Monday, 2 August 2010

The celebrity tattoos that have sparked a Latin craze among schoolchildren

Celebrity Latin tattoos may be fuelling a revival of the ancient language in schools, it emerged today.

Pupils are increasingly demanding to study the subject, according to an exam board, as tattooed celebrities such as David Beckham and Angelina Jolie enhance Latin's profile.

The OCR exam board today launched a new Latin qualification aimed at teenagers as secondary schools increasingly offer the subject, either during the curriculum or after-hours.

David Beckham Latin tattoo

But examiners urged pupils not to emulate model Danielle Lloyd, whose Latin tattoo is riddled with errors.

While Beckham and Jolie's Latin inscriptions are grammatically correct, Lloyd's is meaningless, they said.

Her tattoo, 'Quis attero mihi tantum planto mihi validus', which is etched on to her shoulder, is intended to translate as 'To diminish me will only make me stronger'.

But experts say the words in fact translate into something more akin to 'Who I wear away for me only for me strong'.

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