Friday, 30 April 2010
Female Tattoo Gallery
It's not really known how long tattooing has been around but it's quite possibly as long as 12,000 years ago and we do know the ancient Egyptians practiced the art of tattooing.
One may think the art of tattooing has its history mainly with men. Not so. Women from various cultures tattooed their bodies for a variety of reasons. Take the women from Borneo. They would mark themselves to show what they were skilled at, such as weaving or a gatherer of medicinal herbs. This communicated their rank as marriage material. In western Asia, girls were marked in such a way as to show their place in society.
Tattooing has gone through its ups and downs over the centuries, has even been banned many times in different cultures for periods of time. It appears that tattooing will never really go away. During periods of a ban it seems to go underground until such time it is free to resurface.
Tattooing, (which is a Tahitian word meaning "to be marked") in some cultures, has only the women being allowed to do the markings.
Today's women are free to make their own choices in regards to tattooing. It is becoming more and more popular to have artistic designs placed just about anywhere on the body. You commonly see tattoos adorning an ankle, or husbands or boyfriends names on a forearm. Some women like to have a private tattoo for their spouse only.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Religious Tattoos
Religious Tattoos
However, religious symbols – Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam or otherwise – are actually quite common tattoo designs. It might surprise you that about 25% of all tattoos in America have a religious meaning
50 Cent's Tatoo covers most part of his body and look like a work of art. He has tattoo covering his arms, back and the front region of his body. He had some of the tattoo on his right arm removed as he was keen to pursue a career in Hollywood.
He thought that the tattoo could be a hindrance to his dreams of making it big in movies as a lot of time was spent on make up to cover his tattoo and had some of the prominent ones removed.
The tattoo on the back which is more famous and which sports the signature 50 cents and Southside are still present and are part of his overall personality and one cannot imagine him without these.
For a person who had quite a troubled childhood to rise to such fame is amazing and 50 cents whose albums Get rich or Die Tryin and the Massacrre were multi platinum selling hits.
You need to have a certain personality to carry off a tattoo and 50 cent does it in style. Lot of celebrities get some part of their bodies tattooed and after a period of time removes it.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Bird Tattoo Designs
Butterfly Tattoos
Butterfly tattoos have become a growing trend among women compared to other tattoos that are available. Today you can find different kinds of butterfly tattoos being designed in a variety of colors and shapes. Adults as well as teenagers often visit stores to choose from different butterfly tattoos and get them engraved on their body. Tattoo galleries provide a variety of tattoos that might have to spend time in selecting one that suits your choice. Some of the most popular choices at the butterfly tattoo gallery are Celtic Butterfly tattoo, Tribal Butterfly Tattoo and several others. Most often the colors used for butterfly tattoos are red, yellow or green with different designs, themes and styles. There is also a combination in tattoos like with flowers or animals. There are some tattoos which act as a fashion statement while the others might have a specific meaning.
Why Tribal Tattoos?
Natural Tribal Tattoos
Tribal Tattoos are extremely popular and can add a distinct 'je ne sais quoi' to a person's character. The real beauty of tribal tattoos is that they don't have to be loud and obnoxious useless you want them to be, but rather subtle and stylish. It is a style that typically capitalizes on solid black lines and coloring (with some exceptions of course) and it is also composed of pointed and curved elements. It's bold and eye catching. In short, it's a pretty wicked looking style!
Tribal Tattoo, tattoo ideas
Tribal arm Tattoo ideas
Later on, tattoos were used to create scenes on the body depicting battles the tribe member took place in. They were also used as memorials for loved ones who had passed away, their memory honored in the form of a soaring eagle.
Tattoos were certainly not limited to Native Americans, however. The Yokuts of California used body modification to call attention to the location of a person's supernatural power; the indigenous tribes of New Zealand, Africa, Central America and Hawaii also practiced the art of tattooing.
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos
When you are looking at black tribal dragon tattoos, make sure that you find a design that really speaks to you. In your mind, what is your dragon tattoo doing? Black tribal dragon tattoos are wonderful choices for any tattoo fan, so take a look at the tattoo art designs that are available and find the one that suits you the best!
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Butterfly tattoos Gallery
Nice Lower Back Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Lower Back Butterfly Tattoos For Female Tattoo Gallery

TCA Tattoo Removal - Can You Use it While Pregnant Or Breast Feeding

When using any new product or simply using a product for the first time, one should always know the ends and outs and risks associated with that particular product before use. This goes for everyone, especially women that are pregnant, nursing or may become pregnant. For obvious reason you never want to ingest anything that pose a potential threat to an unborn child. You never want to be involved in any activity that may cause harm or any impact on your unborn child. I believe this goes without saying.
It can sometimes be difficult to determine if a substance is or could be harmful to the health of you or your child. Most products have labels that say in plain English, "Do not use if pregnant or nursing". For the products that usually state that warning, it is for good reason or for a lack of research on whether or not it can be harmful. You always want use common sense, error on the side of caution and ask yourself a few questions.
For example, is this something you are going to have to eat in order to get results from the product, or am I going to have to stick or inject anything to achieve results. If you do have to eat, stick, or inject anything into yourself in order to achieve results, then it is surely not a good idea to use if you are pregnant or nursing.
Tca tattoo removal is one of the most commonly used products for completely removing or fading away tattoos of all shapes sizes and colors. It has been twice medically proven to remove tattoos without the use of needles or lasers. However, with that being said there has not been extensive research done to prove whether or not tca tattoo removal can be hazardous to women who are pregnant, nursing, or that may become pregnant. Even though there has been no proof that a hazard exists, it is probably not a good idea to use it.
What you do want to consider about his product is that it is not ingested, as it is an acid. It is not absorbed into the skin so there is no potential to reach the blood stream. All it does it kills the top layer of skin where the tattoo is. So if you have a tattoo that you would like to remove and are nursing it is probably best to wait until you are not pregnant or nursing anymore.
However if you do choose the use the product, simply read the instructions and warnings and know that this is not something that will be eaten, ingested, nor will it reach your blood stream because it is an externally used product.
For more information on TCA Tattoo Removal just click HERE & find out why so many people trust this method of tattoo removal.
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Tribal Feather Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo

Once you've finally come to the decision to get a new tribal feather tattoo, you need to do adequate research to find the right design you want and tattoo parlor that you would like to visit.
Remember, tattoos are permanent; therefore, you need to be 100% sure that you are going to be happy with the design that you choose to ink on your skin. Where do you find tattoo designs? A Google image search is sufficient; however, if you are looking for a more unique and diverse design, you would probably rather do something more extensive than a Google image search. Google will return to you a list of the most popular designs, which means a lot of people will have those designs.
So, if you want a unique design, it's probably best to pay a small membership fee and gain accesss to a website's database of unique tattoo images. The fee is well worth it when you find the design that makes you jump for joy! You'll know when you find the right design - you'll just get that feeling of joy and happiness. When you show it off to your friends, you won't be able to stop smiling!
Now, choosing a tattoo parlor can be a very intimidating and terrifying experience and many do not like to do it alone. You can get advice from family and friends as well as the internet. Some of the most reputable parlor reviews come from the same website that you paid a membership fee to. More than likely, they can give you access to not only reviews of parlors but for tips and tricks regarding your new tattoo. With all the information that you can get from these websites, the fee is more than worth it!
So, congrats on deciding to get your tribal feather tattoo and the best of luck to you and your new ink!
Find more information about tribal feather tattoos at the Tribal Tattoos Gallery! Visit the Tribal Tattoo Gallery now!
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Tattoo Care for a Foot Tattoo

Regardless of whether your new body art is an arm, back, or foot tattoo, you want to follow the same tattoo care guidelines as outlined below.
After receiving a new tattoo, your artist will apply an ointment, usually A&D, and wrap your tattoo in saran wrap or a medical bandage. This is to keep any foreign materials out of the tattoo. A new tattoo is a wound, an abrasion on the skin, and can be prone to infection proper tattoo care is not followed. So covering it for the first few hours is a normal procedure in most tattooing studios.
Remove the bandage from your new tattoo after at least 4 hours (but no more than 12). You should wait to remove the bandage until you can clean it with mild soap and warm water to remove any dried blood or ink that was left after that tattoo was finished. Do not soak the tattoo. Rinse it well, and pat it dry, then allow it to air-dry for 5-10 minutes before applying ointment. You should continue to wash your new tattoo at least 4 or 5 times a day for the first week.
Bacitracin regularly throughout the day, massaging a very small amount into the skin to keep the tattoo slightly moist, but not smothered blot off any excess. The healing tattoo should never stay submerged in water. This means that short showers are fine, but any kind of baths or swimming is not recommended. Do not re-bandage your tattoo after taking the original bandage off, the skin will need to breathe. Do not use any petroleum based products such as Vaseline - these will suck the ink out of your tattoo and cause it to fade. If you notice small itchy liquid filled bumps appearing after using a certain product, immediately discontinue use, wash the tattoo and let it dry out.
Proper tattoo care requires that you do not wear anything that will rub against your new tattoo. After receiving a foot tattoo make sure you do not wear socks, shoes, or nylons that will rub against it until it is fully healed. You need to plan ahead if your going to receive a foot tattoo on the sole because you should not walk on it until its healed. A foot tattoo may require a touch up, due to the rubbing abuse from walking and wearing shoes prematurely.
You should only apply ointment until your tattoo starts to peel (like a sunburn), which will be anywhere from 3 days to 1 week. When the peeling begins do not pick at it. When the tattoo has fully entered the peeling phase you should stop applying the ointment. The area will become dry and itchy, and a good lotion should help with this. Avoid creams and lotions that contain fragrances, artificial colors and other unnecessary ingredients that can irritate a healing tattoo. If you have applied proper tattoo care you should not develop scabs. If scabs develop, they can remove the color beneath them. It is very important that they are allowed to dry out completely. The scab will eventually fall off on its own. Never pick or pull the scab.
Your new tattoo is an open wound so refrain from actions such as swimming, tanning, removing the bandage early. Be sure to follow these proper tattoo care guidelines to ensure your foot tattoo heals properly. Your foot tattoo will be with you for a lifetime, and it only takes a week or two of your attention to keep it looking good forever.
Redness and sometimes bruising surrounding a new foot tattoo is normal for the first day or two, but if you notice any bumps or increasing redness please contact your local tattoo studio for more information.
Fabulous Foot Tattoo
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Turtle Tattoo Designs

Many people now are very much engaged in having tattoos on their body. One of the major factors for this is the freedom to express personality and individuality through the choice of tattoo designs. Another reason is the wide acceptance of the world's culture regarding having tattoos on the skin. Because of all these, there are many designs available for tattoos, and the variety of designs will make choices not that easy. If you are considering getting tattoo on your skin, you may want to try the turtle tattoos since this design is the most popular to younger individuals nowadays. If this information suddenly caught your attention, continue reading on.
We all know that different cultures have different meaning for turtles. As an animal, turtle is a very interesting one, especially with its shell as their way of protecting themselves from any danger and their lifespan of up to century old. This could be the reason why people consider turtles as significant and meaningful animals.
To sight as an example, the Native Americans consider the turtle as sacred animal. The beginning of the world was also attached to the turtle as believed by some of the tribes, like the belief of the Huron, according to them a girl fell on the water and some water animals saw her and brought her to a wise turtle. The turtle instructed the animals to deposit some soil grains from the bottom of the ocean until the land grew and the girl and the land was formed into a world where the girl lived at ease.
This belief about the world is one of the many examples. More cultures accredited the turtle to the myth about creation or about the world. Just like the belief that the turtle is the one that directly or indirectly carries or support the world on his shell.
Some cultures admire the turtle's characteristics of being steadfast and at peace. Some people prefer the turtle tattoos because it correlates as the symbol for strength, long life, courage, bravery, power, knowledge, safety, and perseverance.
While some individuals prefer this design, some tattoo artist would even enjoy making this art because they can add another design on the shell as they do the markings. Some artists would create extra design of Japanese characters or other symbols on the turtle shell to represent something. This is a great opportunity for the artist to put a tattoo within a tattoo.
This art does not mean you can only put Japanese characters on the shell. You can choose your own personal symbol if you want to add extra design on you turtle tattoos to make the design special and sacred.
Choosing turtle tattoos is a great choice since you can have other designs on it. The design is adaptable to other possible designs and you can have it as small and simple one or you can have it as large turtle tattoo with addition of extra designs on it.
These are the reason why turtle tattoos are considered multipurpose and to some, sacred. If you are interested in getting one for yourself, choose the right turtle tattoo design that fits your personal meaning. You can even make it more personalized by adding extra designs on the turtle shell.
Ryan Edward has reviewed all of the best online tattoo galleries that offer printable turtle tattoo designs and shares his findings at his website. To find unique tattoo designs visit his website now:
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Miley Cyrus Has First Tattoo All Planned Out

The Disney star can't seem to keep herself out of scandals and she is only 16 years old. First it was the topless photo shoot that caused some much drama, even though she had a bed sheet covering herself and all you could see what her back. She is also involved in a law suit regrading all the Asians in CA , due to a photo of her pretending she was Asians. She is also ridiculed for her close relationship to her father, well one more thing can be added to that list, a tattoo.
Miley is not quite of age to get a tattoo just yet but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to get one. Like most girls Miley's age they want a tattoo. Well it seems Miley has already picked out what she wants as her first tattoo and to the seasoned tattoo person its the ultimate tattoo no no. This tattoo design that Miley has picked out is not the wisest of tattoo design. She wants to get the initials of her 20 year old boyfriend, Justin Gaston.
One would think that her parents Billy Ray and Tish would put their foot down and advise their daughter that getting the initials of a boyfriend who is more than likely just a teenager love affair is not the best idea. But it seems Billy Ray and Tish are ok with this because of a new tattoo ink that has come out that promises to be more effective when you want to get one removed by a laser. Either way getting tattoos removed is painful and expensive. It's best to just skip the whole boyfriend initials thing and get a butterfly or a heart tattoo instead.
Your Tattoo Friend
Ashley enjoys writing on her Tattoo themed blog at please stop by and drop a comment.
For more information and access to over 15,000 tattoo designs online, check out Ashley's sponsor at
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Jesus on the Cross Tattoo Design

For a significant portion of the world's population, Jesus Chris of Nazareth is the end-all, be-all when it comes to devoted religious worship. Put succinctly, for these folks, there's no one more important than Jesus. When they want to show their devotion, therefore, one of the most creative and powerful ways they go about it is with a tattoo of the Son of God up on his cross. There are thousands of different variations of the Jesus on the Cross Tattoo design, and here are some pointers to get you started on deciding which is the best for you.
Deciding on Size: Just how devoted to Jesus are you? Some people devote large sections of their body to showing off their Jesus tattoo. Others prefer something a little more discrete, perhaps in a spot that can only be seen when clothing is removed. Decide where you stand, and make your decision accordingly.
Where is the Emphasis: Some people place all of the detailed emphasis on the cross, while others put the majority of the attention on Jesus himself. This is an important distinction to make, and one that requires thought.
Placement of the Cross: One great variation on the standard theme is to place Jesus carrying his cross, rather than posted up to it. This symbolizes something entirely different, and devout Catholics will notice.
A Full Scene: Some people are very attracted to the nativity scene as a symbol. If you're thinking about carrying a Jesus tattoo, why not consider a full image of everyone involved in the crucifixion? Turn your entire back into a living storyboard of Jesus' last moments. This would be one of the most unique tattoos you could get to show off your bond with Christ.
A Halo: You could also put a halo around Jesus' head, to signify the angels that took him up to heaven after he died. Likewise, it's worth considering putting an entire scene in with the angels taking him. The only limit to what will eventually end up as ink on your body are the roadblocks you create in your mind, and of course these can be broken down with effort. If you free yourself to come up with something really great, you'll come away with a timeless design.
A Jesus on the Cross Tattoo design [] is one of the best ways to express the way you feel about your religion. Go for a design that makes you feel good, and you're sure to come away with something powerful, provocative, and thoughtful.
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Tattoo Fonts - Know What Font You Want and What They Mean

One of the many well-known designs of tattoos which most people are obtaining is a special tattoo executed in Ancient English lettering. A group of people use their last or surnames, some expression or perhaps a Bible verse which signifies something memorable or extraordinary to them executed in Ancient English in the process. A person can improve his or her own personal tattoo by simply carrying out some hassle-free graphic design occupation. One needs not to be a specialist, neither a professional who comprehends use of photo editing computer software; the simple basics will just do it right.
Step 1.
Pay Font Space online a visit and download a free ancient English font. There are a vast number of diverse sorts of Ancient English fonts which you can choose from. Some fonts contain faded text which is broken, and all other forms of designs which also look impressive. Opt for a particular one which you prefer and preserve it in "my documents" in your desktop or laptop.
Step 2.
Extract the contents of the zipped file which contains the fonts and add the software in one of the Fonts document. Proceed below to the bottom left corner, get into the Start menu, double click on the icon at the control panel and wait for your computer to respond. As soon as this folder unwraps up, you will see a prompt window which contains all types of Fonts that are available. Move ahead and open up the alternative window which contains the font which you wish to install on your laptop or desktop. Click on this new file and move it to your Fonts folder. This process will immediately set up the font into the package which you will use to style your tattoo.
Step 3.
The third step requires you to open up the photo editing computer software. In the event that you do not currently possess this software, you opt for purchasing Adobe Photoshop software. It is one of the state-of-the-art photo editing graphic and design program which will enable you to style and design several distinct projects.
Step 4.
Go to File, and open New. You will have opened up a blank page. Shape this document in the manner you want it to appear.
Step 5.
Go to Text tool, click on it and establish some text box that will appear on its background which will be the suitable dimensions associated with this design. At this point, go to drop-down menu and it will enable you to select the ancient English font which you want. Select the font size and color that you would probably want it to end up being. The most effective color to create an Ancient English tattoos are sturdy black in color since they reveal up remarkably significantly on your skin.
Step 6.
The last step of this process is taking your personally-developed design to the best professional in this field or your neighborhood tattoo store. Get the artist to have a look at the design and have it measured in order to fit in the body part which you wish to get tattooed on. After all that is over, get your design perfectly tattooed on your body.
Looking For Professional Quality Tattoo Designs?
For samples of high quality tattoos you can give directly to your tattoo artist, please Click Here.
A tattoo is a BIG decision, make sure you get exactly what you want!
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