Saturday, 11 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Steve-O's Tattoo Regrets
Interesting Tattoo Facts
The Tattoo Curse Strikes Again
For some unknown reason there is a tattoo curse on these tattoos. So if you are in a very happy relationship and feel the need to get a tattoo of your lover's name or to get a portrait of them on your body just simply don't. Within a short period of time the tattoo curse will take effect on your relationship and it will be no more.
Well it seems that, rapper, producers and songwriter Jermaine Dupri learned this lesson the hard way just like everyone else does. Let's face it just because you are a celebrity does not mean that the tattoo curse will have no effect on you, in all honestly it seems to happen more to celebrities because they don't learn from other celebrities mistakes.
A few months ago Jermaine that it would be a wonderful idea to get this huge tattoo on the side of his body of the Virgin Mary, except the Virgin Mary was really his girlfriend of seven years, Janet Jackson. As you can imagine the tattoo curse hit them and the couple is no longer together. So if you are thinking about getting a tattoo of a lover's name or a portrait of them just simply don't!
Marine Corps Make a Change in Their Tattoo Policy
The policy that is being changed is in regards to tattoo sleeves. As of September 4, 2008, Marines who have tattoo sleeves are no longer authorized to serve as a recruiter or Marine Security Guard. The Marine Corp defines a tattoo sleeve as the following:a large tattoo or collection of smaller tattoos that covers or almost covers a person's arm or leg. This new policy also includes half and quarter sleeves if they are visible in green-on-green, physical training gear.
Tattoo Redo
Despite all of that, is it possible that you may not regret one of your tattoos, but if you were given the chance to turn the clock back would you have gotten the same tattoo? I bring this up because one of my tattoos I feel that I have outgrown, also I have always felt that it is a little too big. So if I was given a tattoo redo I would probably of not gotten the tattoo I got and I would make sure that it would be a little smaller than what it is.
So this just leads me to pound this into everyone's head. You need to be 120% sure that you are going to be okay with the tattoo design you have picked out for the rest of your life. The tattoo that I'm not so much in love with anymore I have had for 8 years. I would absolutely love to get it removed but do not want to spend the money to go to multiple laser removal sessions and I do not want to endure the pain that comes along with it. Plus laser removal causes scars and doesn't 100% get rid of the tattoo.
Fun Tattoo Facts
Here are a few fun tattoo facts, tips and statistics that you may or may not have known.
Even after your new tattoo is healed it is still susceptible to the sun's rays. So be extra careful to avoid direct sunlight and always wear an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your tattoo.
Tattoo Writing Choosing Arabic Tattoos
Some of the biggest and hottest celebrities have chosen Arabic Tattoos to adorn their body, not some removable henna either but permanent tattoo written in Arabic.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Awesome Tattoos For Girls
Tattoo's with flowers and stars and hearts are some of the very popular artwork that woman may decide upon for there first venture into designs and tattooing. It's a good idea for a woman to keep things tasteful of course, Men aren't going to want to see a woman covered in demonic looking skin art. At least I can tell you that most men wouldn't, Of course this is just my opinion as a woman. It's your body and you know what you really want hopefully.
Greek Tattoos For Girls
At one point in time, tattoos on a woman were not the "norm", and many women who had them covered them up when out in public. Thank goodness that in today's world we can have as much fun with tattoos as the guys can without being criticized.
Popular places for girls to get tattoos include the lower back, ankles, wrists, belly button, and the front of the hips. Greek tattoos for girls can be amazing and really stand out when custom designed instead of being just the old standard designs out of a parlor book. Let's look at what's popular and has a Greek history on top of it.
Girls' Star Tattoos
Let's start with the Pentagram star tattoo. This tattoo has a deep meaning to it and it is a 5-pointed star. The five points represent the five elements which are fire, wood, earth, water and metal. It also symbolizes faith, health, mathematical perfection and celestial sky.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010
The Tribal Tattoo Women
Let's take the Maori tribal tattoo for instance. It originated from the Maori people of New Zealand and is also known as the "moko" of the Maori people. This tattoo has a spiral pattern to it, therefore it is used for enhancing the natural contour or expression on the face of an individual.
Another type of tribal tattoo is the Celtic tribal tattoo. This originated from people of Celtic heritage, the Welsh, the Irish and the Scots. This tattoo is often a way whereby an individual expresses their pride in their Celtic heritage. There are hundreds of Celtic tattoos and each has a specific meaning behind it. The dog Celtic symbolizes the healer of both the body and the soul, the lion Celtic symbolizes dignity, the cross Celtic symbolizes the bridge between heaven and earth and the cat Celtic symbolizes the guardians of the gates of the underworld.
Another option of a Celtic tattoo is the African tribal tattoo design. This is most often used to tell a story about life and most of them symbolize the sign of an individual's wealth, an individual's courage or protection from harm.
The North American tribal tattoo is also another type of Celtic tattoo. It was mainly used to rank individuals in Native American tribes. This kind of tattoo symbolizes an individual's wealth, family lineage and societal status.
Follow this advice if you decide to get women tribal tattoos.
To make it easier for the tattoo artist to do their job, make sure you wear loose fitting clothes to the tattoo parlor.
Make sure you are completely happy and content with the design you have in mind before you get to the tattoo parlor because removing a tattoo is extremely painful and expensive.
Friday, 5 November 2010
Express Zombie Tattoos

Different tattoo motives are selected by tattoo artists while designing. Usually the person concerned is allowed to select the design. Sometimes many people ask for customized tattoo designs which hold a special significance to him or her. Also there are many traditional symbols which have been used by tattoo artists through ages. Each of those symbols were invented having intense relations with their homelands, people staying there, memories, or even as good luck charms.
Few of the most popular artworks are as follows:
Tattoo designs similar to that of an anchor were used by the sailors, who were known to be the forefathers of the tattoo art. The anchors were synonyms for the seas, ships, ports, sea-shores etc. It depicts the sailor's intense love for his voyage, crew and various experiences.
The concept of angels became popular in the beginning of this century which signified hope.
In the beginning of this century the bars used to show the number of days a prisoner had to serve in prison.
Cats symbolizes both the extreme natures present in us, i.e. affectionate and close to our families on one hand and at the same time the wild nature on the other.
This symbol means innocence and nonintellectual pleasure and delight.
In the beginning of this century the dots, similar to bars, used to show the number of days a prisoner had to serve in prison.
Symbolizes the lust for avenge.
It has been used as a traditional motive. It meant wellness and felicity. On the contrary, the Japanese Koi stood for intensity, bravery and survival.
Two crossed hands signify friendship, whereas, two hands with a rising sun in between depicts intense and everlasting love.
Horror And Death
The beginning of tattooing usually did not include any such horror or death images. It was though found tattooed on the soldiers of the world war who were subjected to encounter deaths almost regularly. They used to tattoo such images as they thought them to be lucky and may even protect them from death.
Again, the 70's were marked by the bikers along with their Harley Davidsons. They were very much into heavy metals, rock music and horror movies like Halloween or Friday the 13th. They were the hardcore tattoos fans of devils, witches, skeletons, zombies and grinning skulls. They were the ones who impose their notion that the world was about demolish.
Kiyo Hime
There is a story that a famous Japanese Kiyo Hime fell in love with a monk visiting her father's refuge harbor regularly. The monk was unable to reciprocate her love. As a result she killed the monk and turned into a Hanney demon. This is one of the most popular Japanese tattoo motives.
The king of animals symbolizes strength and courage.
Roses signifies that life cannot be without thorns.
There are innumerable motives to mention. These are few of the most popular traditional ones. Modern tattooists may provide you with the same designs but qualitatively much advanced.
Get Tattooed!
Getting a tattoo can be one of those decisions that take an instant to decide, but a lifetime to regret. Quickly flipping through a binder at your local tattoo shop and making an impulsive decision could cause you to kick yourself later on. A tattoo should have a deep meaning to you. Something you will be proud to show off to your friends.
TattooMeNow is a biggest tattoo gallery featuring over 3,523 designs (and growing!) in 40 categories! All the designs are professionally designed with YOU in mind! Award winning artists constantly provides fresh new design for your every situation, from sexy to bold, tiny designs to full body artwork!